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September 14th, 2017

Dessert Dream: Candidate – Janice H. – Age 67

Our latest candidate is the lucky recipient of a Sweet Dream. On September 14, Janice’s dream will come true!

Janice was born October 26th and raided in Buffalo, NY along with eight sisters and brothers who grew up gathered around the kitchen helping their mother bake their favorite sweet treats. Today, Janice's favorite dessert is still Lemon Meringue Pie. She recalls her mother, every year, making a favorite dessert for each child on his/her birthday. She still remembers the feelings of her siblings sharing her own favorite, that fluffy meringue piled high on top of thick lemony filling as the flicker of her birthday candles danced on top.

Janice’s' memory of these times were so vivid she could still taste the tremendous amount of love that was poured into each homemade dessert from her mother and how much fun gathered in the kitchen with her sisters and brothers.

We are so happy and honored to help Janice relive this special memory with a sweet dream come true. On Sep 14, Janice will cook her favorite Lemon Meringue Pie with her sister and Alive & Cooking's Chef Sean O'Keefe. Janet will also sit alongside her sister as she becomes the first "well seasoned citizen" to enter her family recipe in the nationwide Alive & Cooking Recipe Contest after she gets her fun photo by The Party Paramedic with her family.

Second Wind Dreams, Alive and Cooking and The Party Paramedic wish that all Janice's dreams be “Sweet Dreams”!

Janice and her Family sharing her Sweet Dream

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